
Poster information:
Poster size should be A0 or approx 90 x 120 cm. The lay out of the poster is portrait – Bring your poster printed out.
Book of Asbstracts – Poster presentations click here

Poster session is during lunch break May 19 and May 20.

Poster with even numbers – Poster session May 19
Poster with odd numbers – Poster session May 20

Poster presenters should be available by their poster during their poster session.

Symposium / abstract presentation:
Each presenter has 20 min for the presenation followed by 2 min for Q&A (NOTE this is the standard time layout but it can vary between symposium due to numbers of presenters)

Young investigator session:
Each presenter has 15 min for presentation with following 3 min for Q&A.

Oral presentation: presenters need to send in presentation beforehand to later than Mondy May 15th.

Please put the following in e-mail subject:
presentation date_sessionname__your firstname
Alos bing your presentation with you in USB as a back up.