Abstracts and symposium


The maximum word count for abstract is 300 words. it must include the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Materials & methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Presentation options: ORAL or POSTER

All early career sleep professionals (e.g., MSc and PhD students, postdoctoral researchers or clinicians,) who obtained their PhD or master’s degrees less than 5 years ago and are a member of a Nordic sleep society can apply for the early career award. If persons have been on maternity leave, then 6 years can have passed since PhD or master’s degrees were obtained. Those that qualify for an early career award can apply in the abstract submission form.

Symposium submission requirements

Symposia chairs should be aware to encourage a wide variety of speakers and promote diversity of content at the meeting, e.g., not all speakers should come from the same institution and preferably not all from the same country. It is important that at least 2 speakers belong to a Nordic sleep society, and it is also important to be aware of gender balance in the symposiums. Inclusion of at least one early career speaker.

The chair should not also be a speaker in the symposium.

Each of the below elements is required for the symposium proposal to be considered.
The proposal must:

  • Focus on a single topic that is relevant, scientifically excellent, and appropriate for a 90-minute time slot
  • Include the symposium title, summary, learning objectives and target audience
  • Include each participant’s presentation title, full name, country, and email address (note: each symposium is limited to either 4 or 5 speaking slots)

Symposium & Abstract Top Categories

  • Parasomnias
  • Insomnia
  • Sleep breathing disorders
  • Sleep and mental health
  • Pediatric sleep
  • Sleep technology
  • Sleep and health
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Hypersomnia
  • Circadian Rhythm disorders
  • Other